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Aerobic exercise videos for slimming

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Aerobic exercise videos for slimming - Movement of aerobic gymnastics that is useful for slimming the body, especially for you women who are cold to keep the body that remains ideal. Consider and follow the exercises of each of the following exercised moves that are useful for enlarging your butt to make it look more beautiful.

Exercise For Maximum Chest Muscles

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Exercise For Maximum Chest Muscles - Chest muscles are one of the favorite parts of men, most men who work loads are eager to have their athletic chest more muscular, but the chest muscles become one of the most difficult muscles to form. Need more attention in forming the chest muscles to get the maximum. This time Programfitnes.com will provide an article about the exercise program to form the chest muscles, but before stepping into the exercise program you should understand the anatomy of the chest itself.

The chest muscle has two separate muscle types: the pectoralis minor (inner part) and the pectoralis major (the outside), medically pectoralis major consists of two separate muscles, clavicular (top) and sternal (lower). Thoracic muscles become a major part of the body muscle, so many men who want athletic chest shape can boost their self-esteem.

There are various training programs to form the chest muscles, but this time you will only be presented with the best chest muscle training program to form your chest muscles to be more optimal:

Basic training

This exercise program is perfect for those of you who have just started a chest muscle formation program, and it is very appropriate to do at the beginning of the exercise. Basic training there are 3 kinds of exercises, namely:

Flat Dumbell Press
The position of the body lies with the arm holding the part of the dumbbell straight at the front of the chest.
Lower the dumbbell until it is in an elbow position parallel to the shoulder.
Inhale as you lower the load and exhale as you increase the load.

Incline Dumbell Press
The position of the body lying on its side with the arm holding the dumbbell straight at the front of the chest.
Lower the dumbbell toward the elbow position parallel to the shoulder.
Inhale as you lower the load and exhale as you increase the load.

Flat Dumbell Fly
The position of the body lying with the elbow slightly bent.
The hand is opened to resemble a half circle with the position of the elbow still bending.
Use the part of the shoulder joint to move the load section, when the load is below, the elbow position is lower than the shoulder.

Exercise Flyes

The flyes exercise is a follow-up exercise after you have done the basic training training.

Reverse Dumbbell Flyes
The position of the body lying prone on the bench, then hold the dumbbell in both hands.
Open your hand side to side.
Then lower slowly.

Incline Bench Flyes
The position of the body lying on the bench with the dumbbell position in both hands.
Open your hands to the side.
Then close up.

Standing Cable Flyes
Hold the two handles of the cable using both hands.
Pull the handle together at the front of your chest.
Return to the original position slowly, then repeat again.

Exercise Dips

The Dips exercise is a joint exercise that can train muscle, tricep and shoulder parts.

Both hands hold the dips bar with a shoulder-width range.
Then lift the body with chest muscles, triceps and shoulders simultaneously.
When lifting the body, aim to bend the knee to the back, then cross the two ankle parts.
Lower the body slowly and position the back to keep it straight, then lift your body.

The Most Effective Women's Beginner Fitness Guide

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The Most Effective Women's Beginner Fitness Guide - Fitness goals there are various kinds. For women usually the main purpose is to streamline the body, beautify the body shape, maintain health and others. The first step to getting started in women is choosing a program. Choosing the right exercise program can be a daunting process for women.

To get it, you should at least take the time to practice at least 3 times a week. Fitness for women basically does not have to be heavy, which is important routine and intensive. Consistent training schedules that might be followed include one day of strenuous exercise, one day off, one day of moderate exercise, one day off, and one more day of strenuous exercise.

Cardio Exercise
You can choose the right form of cardio exercise you want and like. Running is always a good way especially for problems in the upper thigh area, buttocks, and lower abdomen. Riding down stairs is also one of the exercises to train the lower body.

There are hundreds of women out there who are busy coming to the gym just to be upright on an elyptical training machine or treadmill and NOT to produce anything. this is because they forget the weight training. Well, you can cardio like running, swimming or elyptical, but should be done after weight training for effective results, this is because muscle growth should be prioritized if you want to have a body fitness model

Start slowly and gradually increase the duration of this cardio workout from 20 minutes to 25 minutes, then 30 minutes.

Weight Training
Start with high reps with light or medium loads. You have to increase the weight of the load if you start feeling the exercises more light and easy to lift the load. Do it every 2-3 weeks.

Find a program that suits you
Every fitness woman is different. You may have a health background where a program is not suitable for you. Always consult a qualified trainer so that the program will not harm you. If the fitness program is not suitable for you, will lead to frustration or even make you hurt.

Make a realistic target
Are not you going to be frustrated to keep you slim within a month? Make sure the body shape you want can be achieved in a realistic time. Your program should also be practical and not just give you hope. Once you match a program, you can create a goal and create a realistic time period.

Exercise should be done on the part of the body that has muscles
The main reason, when you raise muscle, you will burn calories and reduce fat in the body. Weight lifting is recommended. Learn the right exercises for your body.

Large muscles are basically 4, Shoulder (delts), Chest (pecs), Back (lats), and Thighs (Quads). well these 4 muscles are big muscles and you need to train them first because they need more power to be properly trained. after you finish lat pulldown then you do bicep dumbbell curl. more or less logic like that, big muscle first.

Muscle exercises should be done systematically
Your muscles must work harder periodically. Doing the same exercise with the same heavy load without making your muscles work harder will not give you a satisfactory result. You can record daily results and make progress according to the previous data. Daily logs will keep you motivated and see your progress. This will make you more confident because there is a written record of one goal that you have achieved.

Do one set of exercises with 10 repetitions
Each number that has been achieved is called repetition. Try to do every repetition with faster momentum. Faster movement, the harder your muscles work. And the harder your muscles work, then your muscles will become bigger.

Do a variety of exercises
You can change the exercises and goals each month to keep you motivated. This will help you from boredom and loss of energy physically and mentally.
A good gym schedule for beginners is 5x a week with time span 30-45 minutes only.
You do not need to spend hours in the gym in the hope that your body will become very sexy after 1 week, change is a time consuming concept and patience, not the result of 1 day lat pulldown and you already have sexy back. an excessive stomach everywhere it's not work 1 night anyway anyway?

Eat properly
This command uses an exclamation mark, why is that? because there are too many people who are wrong with his diet, the logic is like this. If you have a Lamborghini or a Porsche, will you fill it with 4500 liters of gas per liter? Of course not, you are already sporting heavy, eat a good nutritional food. DO NOT skip eating, whatever the reason. the right diet is eating the right diet, NOT eating skip meals. there is ntar your body. eat 5-6 meals a day, 3 snacks and 3 large meals. eating right ensures your body's metabolism is working correctly and avoids you from getting sick and helps you get your body straight. I'm not kidding.

Nutrition becomes an important part of fitness program. You should eat small portions with a high frequency of 5-6 times a day. Avoid junk food and start counting how many calories, carbohydrates, proteins and fats you need. Although the needs of each person vary, but everyone should consume high-protein foods that will help your body to repair cell and muscle damage during your practice. Also, never eat dinner, as most women often make this mistake. Though dinner, especially with the menu source of protein, is needed by the body during sleep to repair body tissues.

Keep in mind that not all programs will work for some people. There is no good practice for everyone. But you can learn from the experiences of others. Learn to be disciplined, stay motivated and exercise harder everyday and add variety. Through various efforts and struggles, what we do must be fruitful. Good or bad results lies in our sincerity. Therefore do not be discouraged and remain positive thinking.

Video how to practice fitness to enlarge the butt

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Video how to practice fitness to enlarge the butt - Consider and follow the exercises of each of the following exercised moves that are useful for enlarging your butt to make it look more beautiful and contained.

How to exercise fitness to enlarge the ass for women

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8 Simple Sports Movement For a Strong Butt, Solid Contains, Ride And Beautiful - The Movement To Tighten Your Butt And Make It Tight, Contain, And Stay Beautiful - For women, one of the valuable assets of their body is the buttocks or buttocks. Many women crave to have a big, tight ass. Big buttocks and on contains will certainly look beautiful and a special attraction for women because it gives the impression of sexy.

Having a large butt also makes you look beautiful and beautiful wearing a variety of clothing, whether it is casual clothing or party dress like a dress or dress. The bottom line with beautiful buttocks, many women will feel more confident. Want to also have a beautiful ass? Check out the article Simple Sports Movement For Bokong Tight, Solid Contains And Beautiful This!

There are many ways you can do to increase the size of your butt and tighten it. Starting from the sport with a simple movement, special care to raise, condense, and streamline the buttocks, so there are those who are willing to spend enormous expenses to perform operations to obtain the desired shape and size of the buttocks. Wow!


Well, on this occasion we will review on how to raise the buttocks, streamline the buttocks, form the buttocks to be more dense and contains, and keep the butt remains beautiful even though your age has started aged. The movements and sports we suggest in this article are suitable for most ages.

You who are still in the age of 16 years, 17 years, 18 years, 19 years, or 20 years and over can do this movement to obtain the ideal size of the buttocks and beautiful. Well, for those of you who are aged over 30 years, 35 years old, or turning 40 years old can still keep your beautiful ass confusion if routinely perform this movement.

And the good news is we will give a full review on how to raise the butt and the picture. What we will review can be said including how to enlarge the butt with fitness and movement is also effective to tighten the buttock that has begun to loose.

Quoted from the site cosmopolitan.com, there are some movements exactly 8 Simple Movement To Raise And Tighten Your Butt And Your Butt To Be More Contains, Beautiful, And Sexy. Intrigued by the movement? Here it is!

Curtsy Lunges - Movement For Buttocks And Buttocks And Contains

How to make buttocks and buttocks and contain the first is to do cursty lunges, which is a variation of lunges. Unlike the basic lunges movement, in the crusty lunges we move left and right while crossing the legs back.

Prisoner Squats - Exercises To Keep Your Butt Beautiful And Tight

Exercise to keep your buttocks beautiful and toned that you can do at home is a variation of squats. Doing prisoner squats is similar to doing a regular squat. Namely open the shoulder-width legs and lower the body as low as possible then return to its original position. What distinguishes it is on the hand prisoner squats placed on the head.

Sumo Squat Jumps - How To Enlarge Your Butt Size Naturally

This is one way of enlarging the size of the butt naturally by doing a variety of other squats, the sumo squat jumps. The way to do this is to stand up straight with both legs opened shoulder width apart. Put both hands on the waist. Then jump and return to the original position.

Sprinter Knee Raises - Sports That Can Raise Your Butt Quickly

Performing sprinter knee raises can also raise the butt quickly. The way to do this is to do the position as people are about to run off. Here the muscles of the buttocks, thigh muscles, and calf muscles you are trained to finally be able to make larger buttocks.

Side Step-Up and Kick - Natural Ways To Ride Up

In addition to the above movements, you can also do side-step-up and kick to make your butt rise. Here you need a tool that works as a foothold. How to do this is with one foot up to the foot, then back to its original position.

Tube Walk - Keep Your Butt Staying Fast And Stay Beautiful

Tube walk is also included in the movement that can make your butt stay beautiful and fast. To do so you need to use a cloth that is tied or can use a strap. Put on the foot, then move left and right with the body position slightly down.

Booty Crossovers - How to Make a Rear Up So It Looks Great

To perform booty crossovers, position yourself like someone who wants to push up. The difference is one of your legs buckling, while the other legs remain straight but moves across to the left and right. Booty crossovers movement can make the buttocks rise so it looks bigger.

Kneeling Hydrants - How To Gedein Fast Women And The Button Pictures

Similar to booty crossovers, position your body the way you want to push up. Bend both feet. Then lift one foot to the side and return to its original position. Also perform the movement for the other foot. Kneeling hydrants include an effective movement for the female buttocks gedein.


To get a beautiful butt for women, you should routinely do the above with a portion of 15 repetitions in 3 sets. Given your body muscles need to rest too, it would be nice if the above exercises are not done every day. You just do the exercises above 2-3 times a week.

Do not forget to always warm up before exercising. Heating is useful so that your muscles, joints, and body are not surprised when doing certain movements so you can avoid injury. Do not forget to use also support equipment such as shoes and mats to keep your workouts safer and smoother.