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The Most Effective Women's Beginner Fitness Guide


The Most Effective Women's Beginner Fitness Guide - Fitness goals there are various kinds. For women usually the main purpose is to streamline the body, beautify the body shape, maintain health and others. The first step to getting started in women is choosing a program. Choosing the right exercise program can be a daunting process for women.

To get it, you should at least take the time to practice at least 3 times a week. Fitness for women basically does not have to be heavy, which is important routine and intensive. Consistent training schedules that might be followed include one day of strenuous exercise, one day off, one day of moderate exercise, one day off, and one more day of strenuous exercise.

Cardio Exercise
You can choose the right form of cardio exercise you want and like. Running is always a good way especially for problems in the upper thigh area, buttocks, and lower abdomen. Riding down stairs is also one of the exercises to train the lower body.

There are hundreds of women out there who are busy coming to the gym just to be upright on an elyptical training machine or treadmill and NOT to produce anything. this is because they forget the weight training. Well, you can cardio like running, swimming or elyptical, but should be done after weight training for effective results, this is because muscle growth should be prioritized if you want to have a body fitness model

Start slowly and gradually increase the duration of this cardio workout from 20 minutes to 25 minutes, then 30 minutes.

Weight Training
Start with high reps with light or medium loads. You have to increase the weight of the load if you start feeling the exercises more light and easy to lift the load. Do it every 2-3 weeks.

Find a program that suits you
Every fitness woman is different. You may have a health background where a program is not suitable for you. Always consult a qualified trainer so that the program will not harm you. If the fitness program is not suitable for you, will lead to frustration or even make you hurt.

Make a realistic target
Are not you going to be frustrated to keep you slim within a month? Make sure the body shape you want can be achieved in a realistic time. Your program should also be practical and not just give you hope. Once you match a program, you can create a goal and create a realistic time period.

Exercise should be done on the part of the body that has muscles
The main reason, when you raise muscle, you will burn calories and reduce fat in the body. Weight lifting is recommended. Learn the right exercises for your body.

Large muscles are basically 4, Shoulder (delts), Chest (pecs), Back (lats), and Thighs (Quads). well these 4 muscles are big muscles and you need to train them first because they need more power to be properly trained. after you finish lat pulldown then you do bicep dumbbell curl. more or less logic like that, big muscle first.

Muscle exercises should be done systematically
Your muscles must work harder periodically. Doing the same exercise with the same heavy load without making your muscles work harder will not give you a satisfactory result. You can record daily results and make progress according to the previous data. Daily logs will keep you motivated and see your progress. This will make you more confident because there is a written record of one goal that you have achieved.

Do one set of exercises with 10 repetitions
Each number that has been achieved is called repetition. Try to do every repetition with faster momentum. Faster movement, the harder your muscles work. And the harder your muscles work, then your muscles will become bigger.

Do a variety of exercises
You can change the exercises and goals each month to keep you motivated. This will help you from boredom and loss of energy physically and mentally.
A good gym schedule for beginners is 5x a week with time span 30-45 minutes only.
You do not need to spend hours in the gym in the hope that your body will become very sexy after 1 week, change is a time consuming concept and patience, not the result of 1 day lat pulldown and you already have sexy back. an excessive stomach everywhere it's not work 1 night anyway anyway?

Eat properly
This command uses an exclamation mark, why is that? because there are too many people who are wrong with his diet, the logic is like this. If you have a Lamborghini or a Porsche, will you fill it with 4500 liters of gas per liter? Of course not, you are already sporting heavy, eat a good nutritional food. DO NOT skip eating, whatever the reason. the right diet is eating the right diet, NOT eating skip meals. there is ntar your body. eat 5-6 meals a day, 3 snacks and 3 large meals. eating right ensures your body's metabolism is working correctly and avoids you from getting sick and helps you get your body straight. I'm not kidding.

Nutrition becomes an important part of fitness program. You should eat small portions with a high frequency of 5-6 times a day. Avoid junk food and start counting how many calories, carbohydrates, proteins and fats you need. Although the needs of each person vary, but everyone should consume high-protein foods that will help your body to repair cell and muscle damage during your practice. Also, never eat dinner, as most women often make this mistake. Though dinner, especially with the menu source of protein, is needed by the body during sleep to repair body tissues.

Keep in mind that not all programs will work for some people. There is no good practice for everyone. But you can learn from the experiences of others. Learn to be disciplined, stay motivated and exercise harder everyday and add variety. Through various efforts and struggles, what we do must be fruitful. Good or bad results lies in our sincerity. Therefore do not be discouraged and remain positive thinking.

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