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How to exercise fitness to enlarge the ass for women


8 Simple Sports Movement For a Strong Butt, Solid Contains, Ride And Beautiful - The Movement To Tighten Your Butt And Make It Tight, Contain, And Stay Beautiful - For women, one of the valuable assets of their body is the buttocks or buttocks. Many women crave to have a big, tight ass. Big buttocks and on contains will certainly look beautiful and a special attraction for women because it gives the impression of sexy.

Having a large butt also makes you look beautiful and beautiful wearing a variety of clothing, whether it is casual clothing or party dress like a dress or dress. The bottom line with beautiful buttocks, many women will feel more confident. Want to also have a beautiful ass? Check out the article Simple Sports Movement For Bokong Tight, Solid Contains And Beautiful This!

There are many ways you can do to increase the size of your butt and tighten it. Starting from the sport with a simple movement, special care to raise, condense, and streamline the buttocks, so there are those who are willing to spend enormous expenses to perform operations to obtain the desired shape and size of the buttocks. Wow!


Well, on this occasion we will review on how to raise the buttocks, streamline the buttocks, form the buttocks to be more dense and contains, and keep the butt remains beautiful even though your age has started aged. The movements and sports we suggest in this article are suitable for most ages.

You who are still in the age of 16 years, 17 years, 18 years, 19 years, or 20 years and over can do this movement to obtain the ideal size of the buttocks and beautiful. Well, for those of you who are aged over 30 years, 35 years old, or turning 40 years old can still keep your beautiful ass confusion if routinely perform this movement.

And the good news is we will give a full review on how to raise the butt and the picture. What we will review can be said including how to enlarge the butt with fitness and movement is also effective to tighten the buttock that has begun to loose.

Quoted from the site cosmopolitan.com, there are some movements exactly 8 Simple Movement To Raise And Tighten Your Butt And Your Butt To Be More Contains, Beautiful, And Sexy. Intrigued by the movement? Here it is!

Curtsy Lunges - Movement For Buttocks And Buttocks And Contains

How to make buttocks and buttocks and contain the first is to do cursty lunges, which is a variation of lunges. Unlike the basic lunges movement, in the crusty lunges we move left and right while crossing the legs back.

Prisoner Squats - Exercises To Keep Your Butt Beautiful And Tight

Exercise to keep your buttocks beautiful and toned that you can do at home is a variation of squats. Doing prisoner squats is similar to doing a regular squat. Namely open the shoulder-width legs and lower the body as low as possible then return to its original position. What distinguishes it is on the hand prisoner squats placed on the head.

Sumo Squat Jumps - How To Enlarge Your Butt Size Naturally

This is one way of enlarging the size of the butt naturally by doing a variety of other squats, the sumo squat jumps. The way to do this is to stand up straight with both legs opened shoulder width apart. Put both hands on the waist. Then jump and return to the original position.

Sprinter Knee Raises - Sports That Can Raise Your Butt Quickly

Performing sprinter knee raises can also raise the butt quickly. The way to do this is to do the position as people are about to run off. Here the muscles of the buttocks, thigh muscles, and calf muscles you are trained to finally be able to make larger buttocks.

Side Step-Up and Kick - Natural Ways To Ride Up

In addition to the above movements, you can also do side-step-up and kick to make your butt rise. Here you need a tool that works as a foothold. How to do this is with one foot up to the foot, then back to its original position.

Tube Walk - Keep Your Butt Staying Fast And Stay Beautiful

Tube walk is also included in the movement that can make your butt stay beautiful and fast. To do so you need to use a cloth that is tied or can use a strap. Put on the foot, then move left and right with the body position slightly down.

Booty Crossovers - How to Make a Rear Up So It Looks Great

To perform booty crossovers, position yourself like someone who wants to push up. The difference is one of your legs buckling, while the other legs remain straight but moves across to the left and right. Booty crossovers movement can make the buttocks rise so it looks bigger.

Kneeling Hydrants - How To Gedein Fast Women And The Button Pictures

Similar to booty crossovers, position your body the way you want to push up. Bend both feet. Then lift one foot to the side and return to its original position. Also perform the movement for the other foot. Kneeling hydrants include an effective movement for the female buttocks gedein.


To get a beautiful butt for women, you should routinely do the above with a portion of 15 repetitions in 3 sets. Given your body muscles need to rest too, it would be nice if the above exercises are not done every day. You just do the exercises above 2-3 times a week.

Do not forget to always warm up before exercising. Heating is useful so that your muscles, joints, and body are not surprised when doing certain movements so you can avoid injury. Do not forget to use also support equipment such as shoes and mats to keep your workouts safer and smoother.

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